Publications of the German Data Forum (RatSWD) on the subject of research data management

The Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD) has published new papers on research data management (FDM). These include a handout for researchers in small projects to help them get started with FDM, as well as a set of slides for introductory courses on the methodology of FDM that teachers can adapt. The publications were developed by the WG “FDM in Small Projects” as part of the current 7th appointment period of the RatSWD.


RatSWD [Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten] (2023). Forschungsdatenmanagement in kleinen Forschungsprojekten – Eine Handreichung für die Praxis. (RatSWD Output Series, 7. Berufungsperiode Nr. 3).


RatSWD [Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten] (2023). Forschungsdatenmanagement für kleine Projekte in den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften – RatSWD Lehrfolien zur eigenen Verwendung in Forschung und Lehre.


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