eResearch Alliance team visits Datarama
On Thursday, October 15, the eResearch Alliance team was welcomed by Norbert Winnige and Alexei Matveev at the MPI MMGs (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity) Datarama at Bunsenstraße that was developed by Alexei Metveev as part of the European project GLOBALDIVERCITIES.
The Datarama is a large scale visualisation structure for audiovisual, interactive data exploration. It consists of a circle-shaped large screen structure and several beamers that make it possible to project and interact with the data in person inside the Datarama. At the moment the Datarama is used to visualise ethnological and sociological data from the GLOBALDIVERCITIES project but other exploitations are thinkable. Dr. Winnige explained to the eRA-team that suggestions for visualisation ideas and co-operations are welcome as the MPI MMG is exploring ideas to expand the uses of this innovative visualisation project. As its current location at Bunsenstraße has an uncertain future because of upcoming renovation works, also ideas for a new location (at least 6x6m) at the Göttingen Campus are welcome. If you are interested in a visit, want to discuss the details and future prospects of the Datarama, or have an exciting cooperation idea, contact Norbert Winnige (winnige(at) or Alexei Matveev (matveev(at)!