referenced in Science magazine

We are happy to report that a paper from Göttingen published in Science references the Göttingen institutional research data repository when referring to a dataset used in the publication. The authors are researchers of the 4th Physical Institute – Solids and Nanostructures, University of Göttingen and Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry.

This is the publication:
Thomas Danz, Till Domröse, Claus Ropers: Ultrafast nanoimaging of the order parameter in a structural phase transition
Science 22 Jan 2021: Vol. 371, Issue 6527, pp. 371-374, DOI: 10.1126/science.abd2774,

…and the reference to in footnote #52:
T. Danz, T. Domröse, C. Ropers, Data for: Ultrafast nanoimaging of the order parameter in a structural phase transition. (2021); doi:10.25625/6GFN9K

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