Extended application period for the Data Science Summer School 2023
The application period for the Data Science Summer School has been extended. The new deadline is set for the 15th May 2023.
About the Summer School:
Knowledge and skills in Data Science are becoming indispensable for researchers of all disciplines. Especially young researchers profit from knowing about the scope and application areas of Data Science in scientific work in specific and across different disciplines. Furthermore, they must understand the belonging implications for scientific inquiries, and the skills required by a data scientist to be productive in a world deluged by data.
The Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
is pleased to host an International Summer School on Data Science this year again. For the fourth time since 2017 Master and PhD students are welcome to apply and take part in the Summer School.
Make sure to apply until the 15th of May to gain Knowledge and Skills in Data Science!