28/04/2020: Hacky Hour on CaosDB
The next Hacky Hour will take place on April 28th. The speaker will give an introcuction CaosDB, a semantic and flexible data management toolkit developed at the MPI-DS.
Date: 28.04.2020
Time: 6 pm
Place: Virual Meeting Room https://meet.gwdg.de/b/jul-acy-x7x
CaosDB is a (research) data management toolkit developed at the MPI-DS in
Göttingen, since then released to the public at https://gitlab.com/caosdb
Description by the speaker: Managing data in changing environments can be a daunting task. SQL databases are too inflexible, pure key-value stores often lack good tools for defining consistent data models. CaosDB aims to provide a comfortable toolkit to set up your own data management system, where the object-oriented data model can be changed on the fly. Additionally it comes with a human-readable yet powerful query language, a web frontend and a Python library. And it’s free software (AGPL)
If you want to play with CaosDB yourselves, it is recommended to install the Python library via
pip3 install –user caosdb
or directly from https://gitlab.com/caosdb/caosdb-pylib. An example instance will be available at https://demo.indiscale.com, but beware, its content is reset once every night.
More information can be found here – the session pad.