Policies & Examples
On this page you can find links to current requirements from funders for the handling of research data in proposals, covering the major research funding agencies relevant for Göttingen Campus researchers. If you want to submit to a different funding agency that is not listed here, and you cannot find out their RDM requirements, please contact us.
Within the list on this page you can also find examples for Research Data Policies at the Göttingen Campus and Best practice examples for Data Management Plans.
Göttingen University
- Research Data Policy (revised version 2024)
- Open Access Guideline (revised version 2025, official note in german)
- Research Data Policy and Open Access Guideline (outdated versions from 2014 and 2016, official note in German)
Funders’ Policies
German Research Foundation (DFG)
- Research data policy of DFG (only in German)
- Guideline on the Handling of Research Data in Biodiversity Research
- Quantitative Research Data in Educational Research (only in German)
- Guideline on data system technology and tools for the collection of verbal corpora (only in German)
- Information on legal aspects for the work with verbal corpora (only in German)
- Funding criteria for scientific editions in literary studies (only in German)
Other Funders
- EC: Guidelines on Research Data Management in Horizon 2020 and the Open Research Data Pilot
- BMBF: Data management checklist for empirical educational research (only in German)
Other Discipline-Specific Guidelines
In addition to guidelines from funding agencies there are several discipline-specific guidelines developed by independent groups or communities. If you come across such a guideline for your discipline that is not yet listed here, please share it with us!
- Research data management in the social, behavioural and economical sciences by the RatSWD German Data Forum
- Research Data in psychology by the German Psychological Society (DGP)
- Human genetics “Bermuda Principles“
Research Data Policies @ Göttingen Campus
Here you can find some examples of research data policies being used at Göttingen Campus, most of them in an anonymized form.
Collaborative Research Centres (CRC)
- CRC data exchange policy example (courtesy of CRC 990)
Research Training Groups (RTG)
- RTG policy example 1 (courtesy of RTG 2070)
- RTG policy example 2 (courtesy of RTG 1666)
Research Units (RU)
- RU example (in German, courtesy of RU 2064 STRATA)
Other Policy Examples
- Joint project example (courtesy of project BEFmate)
- Chair/Department example along with appendix and data usage agreement (in German, courtesy of Chair of Development Economics / Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS))
(Inter)national DMP Examples
- DMP CAT – Collection of DMP from different disciplines by LIBER